22-03-2023 | Automotive & Transport
21-03-2023 | Test & Measurement Sma To N Adapter
20-03-2023 | Test & Measurement
Pasternack has extended its line of 40GHz fixed RF attenuators with 2.92mm connectors that reduce the amplitudes of signals in various applications.
These attenuator pads are engineered to stop signal overload in amplifiers, detectors and receivers and adjust RF signal levels to an optimal range.
These RF attenuators protect measurement equipment and other circuitry by decreasing RF power. The attenuators increase the variety of power meters and amplifiers and are capable of impedance-matching circuits due to their low VSWR seen by adjacent RF components.
These new RF attenuator models from the company offer power ratings of 2W up to 40GHz and deliver attenuation levels of 0 to 10, 12, 15, 20 and 30dB.
Waveguide To Coax Adapters “The expansion of our 40GHz RF fixed attenuator product line provides our customers with high-quality RF performance at a lower cost point compared to our existing variable attenuator product offering,” said Steven Pong, senior product manager.