Man missing half his skull after one-punch assault slams thug's sentence of less than two years | Daily Mail Online

2023-02-26 05:30:50 By : Mr. James Li

Published: 09:34 GMT, 23 February 2023 | Updated: 09:48 GMT, 23 February 2023

A grounds worker who had to have half his skull removed and nearly died after an unprovoked one-punch assault has slammed his thug's prison sentence of less than two years. Inconel 617

Man missing half his skull after one-punch assault slams thug

Braden Stromberg has been left unable to work and reliant on his parents financially after being brutally attacked by Kyle Stephenson when walking to the shops with his girlfriend in Bolsover, Derbyshire.

The sickening incident, which took place on May 2, last year, saw the 27-year-old placed in an induced coma for 15 days, with doctors removing half his skull to save his life.

The grounds worker now has to wear a helmet when leaving the house for fear that a single knock to the head or fall could kill him and struggles with his dexterity and day-to-day activities. 

Despite the horrendous impact it has had on his life, Braden was left shocked when hearing that Stephenson was given a prison sentence of less than two years, branding it 'not long enough'.

Braden Stromberg was left in a coma for 15 days after being brutally attacked in Bolsover, Derbyshire. Pictured: Braden during his treatment in the hospital

Braden has had to have half of his skull removed to save his life, but now lives in fear that a single knock to the head could kill him. Pictured: Braden showing the indent where his skull has been removed

On the evening of the attack Braden had been walking to the shops with his then girlfriend when Stephenson started shouting at the pair, which they ignored.

Although Braden has suffered memory loss and can't remember anything from the evening, he has been filled in on what happened by his ex.

Braden was told Stephenson had followed them through an alleyway heading towards the shops before launching his cowardly attack.

Braden was knocked unconscious after being punched in the face before smashing his head on the road.

The grounds worker was rushed to hospitals where doctors battled to save his life by removing the right side of his skull during a three hour operation.

Braden almost died and spent 15 days in an induced coma before making an incredible recovery which stunned doctors.

But he now lives in fear a single fall or knock to the head could kill him and is forced to wear a helmet to shield his unprotected brain whenever he leaves the house.

Stephenson, of Ilkeston, Derbyshire, was arrested and charged with grievous bodily harm which he later pleaded guilty to.

The 32-year-old was sentenced to one year and 10-and-a-half months in prison at Derby Crown Court on February 6.

Surgeons undertook a three-our operation to relieve the pressure on Braden's skull following the attack. Pictured: The scars from the operation on Braden's head in the hospital

Kyle Stephenson, from Ilkeston, was jailed for nearly two years for the assault. Pictured: Stephenson in his police mugshot

Braden now wears a helmet when going outside until he can have an operation to fit a titanium plate where his skull used to be. Pictured: Braden wearing his helmet

Braden, who is currently living with his parents Louise, 55 and Ian, 57, said: 'I didn't know Kyle personally, but everybody says he was always causing trouble.

'I am happy that he is behind bars, but I don't think the sentence he has been given is long enough.

'In court, the fact that I survived the attack and Kyle giving a guilty plea were reasons his sentenced was reduced but I don't think it should have been.

'It was even said that if I had come out of the coma paralysed or in a vegetative state, the sentence he receive would have probably been the same which is crazy.

'Everyone has been pretty traumatised by what happened especially my mum and my ex-girlfriend.

'In a way it's kind of good that I lost my memory of the attack as it means my mental state hasn't been too badly affected.'

Braden is awaiting further surgery to have a titanium skull fitted so he can return to work and says he is looking forward to the future after seeing his attacker jailed. 

Braden, of Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, said: 'Every doctor I have spoken to has said how lucky I am to not have woken up from the coma paralysed or in a vegetated state.

'They can't believe it. There might be an inch of spinal fluid where my skull has been removed and then it's just my brain unprotected.

'If I knocked this it could potentially be fatal.

'At the moment, I feel like my life has been put on hold because of the attack and I just want to return to work.

'I am looking forward to having the operation done as it means life will be able to get back to normal.

'I have been told it is quite a risky operation as there is a possible chance of infection or further bleeds on the brain but it is my one chance to get back to work.'

Braden underwent the first operation to remove his skull on May 9 last year before he came out of the coma on May 15 and was back home by May 31.

The ground worker has impressed doctors with his recovery, although he still struggles with some day-to-day tasks. Pictured: Braden lying in the hospital bed during his treatment

The 27-year-old has sice become dependent on his parents as he is unable to work. Pictured: Braden in bed in the hospital

His next operation is due at Sheffield's Royal Hallamshire Hospital in March but he remains unemployed and dealing with the repercussions of the life-changing attack.

He added: 'I am able to talk and move around but the attack has had life-changing effects on me mentally, physically and emotionally.

'I now have poor dexterity in my left eye and left hand.

'I can't close my right eye and keep my left eye open, and I can't grip things with my left hand.

'I have dropped a lot of plates and bowls and I cannot type or play my online games with this hand, but I have been told I should be able to slowly regain these functions.

'My personality has altered slightly following the attack. I now don't always have a filter between my brain and mouth so I can say things without thinking.

'It has affected me financially too as I can't work and family's mental health has also been effected by the attack.

'My dad is stressed constantly because I am not working and has to financially support me, and my mum worries about me going outside.'

Detective Investigator Sarah Price, of Derbyshire Police, said of the case: 'This unprovoked attack has had a devastating impact on the life of Braden.

'It's left him needing extensive hospital treatment over many months - treatment he will continue to require moving forward.

'The actions of Stephenson just go to prove how damaging a single punch can be with the victim incredibly lucky to have survived the ordeal.

'What happened on that day in Bolsover has not only had a major impact on Braden's life but also on those closest to him with his family suffering alongside him through the aftermath.

'Stephenson will now have time to think about the consequences of his actions behind bars and I would urge anyone who finds themselves in that situation to take a step back and think about what could happen not only to themselves but also to the other person involved in the incident.

'This is a sobering reminder of the devastating impact that a single punch can have.'

Mum Louise has set up a fundraiser to help support her son and anyone wishing to donate can do so here.

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Man missing half his skull after one-punch assault slams thug

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